Thursday, August 15, 2013

Plant sale

Everything seems to be larger and more intense here. But I forget that - again - when we went to a plant sale yesterday. Think Home Depot times about 10 only with everything crammed as tightly as possible and vans continually driving down the 1 narrow lane between stalls. That was just house plants. The next row was orchids - simply spectacular plants 3 for 100 baht - about $3.50! Then we went through every kind of fruit and vegetable bearing plant.

But turning the corner I thought we entered a forest. The Tree Asile was not saplings, but full grown 8 ft tall palm trees and large bushes and banana trees with bunches already on them and some ferns and various unidntifyied flowing tress over 15 feet tall! All were uprooted and ready to carry home on the back of a bus.....

Absolutely everything was super green and lush and then I remembered: we are living in the hothouse zone. Think three weeks at the jungle wing of the Chicago Botanical - the effort to dry off after a shower leaves you sweating!

But the plants are doing really well!

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