Thursday, August 15, 2013

Teaching chaos

My school has conferences so I was traded to another team for the last day of teaching. I think for athird  round draft choice next week and an undisclosed sum. The director seeing an opportunity for 3 Americans planted up on the playground and bought out classes, 3 rooms with 30 kids each grade, grades 1-6, and we were to "do something in English" for an indeterminate amount of time.  The first group was little kids who liked Old Mac Donald and Hokey Pokey. So the director request we do that for everyone. We made it look perky through about Grade 5 who were twitchy but cooperative. But Grade 6 almost went into open rebellion. By then we were so Hokied and Pokied out we contemplating 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

They fed us good - if unclassified - food so we survived.

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