Thursday, August 15, 2013


Little observations

Dogs and cats - there are lots and lots of dogs here, many locked behind gates for protection and way more simply roaming, apparently fed by someone, and sleeping everywhere in the sun. The Wats are a sanctuary for all beings so a dog who wanders in can stay will be fed, but not taken to the vet. There're a few groomed little puff ball dogs but most are rugged looked street dogs who don't even wake up when you step over them.

Cats are working cats, mainly in the Food district to keep down the rat population. No pampered kitties here!

Language - Thai is very tonal, almost melodious, and lovely to hear. Even arguments have a nice lilting quality, although I have heard no yelling or arguing over traffic or shopping prices. It is a very quiet, respectful city for so many jammed together.

English camp - we did a full day of activities at one school as an English Camp and to the American eyes things went smoothly, kids were engaged and if we were tired it was the tired of people who have done a good day's work. One Thai teacher, however, did not like to depart from the traditional method of children just repeating orally and then copying in the notebook. So the coordinator had to do a survey of everyone to justify having it again! People are the same everywhere!

Chicago - Most of the teachers do not speak much English, but when I told the lunchroom crowd that I was from Chicago, one man said, "I know Chicago. I see movie Al Capone." Sigh.

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